lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Je Suis Ath�e, T�te de Fromage!

When I was in a French class with Dr. Day a few years ago, the talk got to be about religion. Dr. Day asked "Est-ce que vous �tes catholique?"

Me: "Non."

Dr. Day: "Est-ce que vous �tes juifive?"

Me: "Non."

Dr. Day: "Quest-ce que vous �tes?"

Me: "Je...ne...crois...pas..."

Dr. Day: "Ah! Vous �tes ath�e!"

And that's how I learned to say, in French, that I am an atheist. Je suis ath�e. Yep, that's me.

I've spent a lot of time since I became an atheist fielding questions about my beliefs. One of the most common misperceptions about me is that I turned against God when my father died. Since I discoverd that I didn't believe in God a full four years before my dad passed away, that doesn't fly.

Some of the Christians I used to work with at the publishing company decided, in order to help them through their days I guess, that I wasn't really an atheist, I just was tired of being Catholic, and another denomination like Lutheran or UCC might be of interest to me. No dice, ladies, I already tried it.

None of these questions about my lack of faith have ever bothered me. I've tried to be good-natured about them, to further the cause of universal acceptance of religious beliefs. But the one misconception that really hurts me is that because I'm an atheist, my worldview is very grim and sad. That's just not true, and since I finally came to terms with my atheism, I've come to a sort of consciousness that might be termed a religious awakening. I think the world is made exponentially more beautiful by the thought that it was all just happy chance, and not the design of some supreme being. Of all the outcomes in the whole universe that could have come about, we were lucky enough to have this beautiful planet full of diverse life forms and natural wonders. I think that's something to smile about.


Instead of "What I'm Stressing About," I've decided to add "What an Asshole!", something I've longed to do on a website for a while. It originated from my propensity to say the phrase "What an asshole" whenever I hear about some ridiculous or idiotic behavior. If you have any assholes to link me to, please email me! I'd love to have them!

11:23 PM - 13 June 2003


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