lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


The Biggest Suitcase...in the WORLD!

Well, this is it: My last entry before I leave for Chicago. There will be no more entries until at least Saturday, possibly later, because I am very poor and have no idea how I'm going to continue paying for internet access.

Anyway, Chicago...

I'm sorry to have misled you, gentle readers, but I'm not quite the world traveler I may have led you to believe I was. I've been to Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta, Wisconsin Dells, Chicago, and various points in Missouri and Illinois, but all those trips had one thing in common: They were road trips. I have never been on a plane.

That's right, twenty-four years old and never flown before. Am I scared? Not really. At least, not until Deadsoon said, "What if your plane crashes?" But I'm tough; I'm still not scared. Much. I mean, I even have plans to be the hero in the event of a terrorist attack, because if I'm not the hero, I'll probably die anyway, so I might as well grab a little glory.

One hazard of having never flown is my regrettable lack of luggage. I called Brownie and said, "Can I borrow a suitcase?" "Oh, sure," she said. "We'll bring it by this weekend!" Well, it seems that my first flying experience will be different from most, since I can cancel my ticket, climb in this suitcase, and just let them check me. I mean, just look at this crazy thing!

It's as tall as my dresser! And wider than my craft caddy! Anything that could hold all my crafts is too damn big for my traveling needs. Especially for a four-day trip. But I'm taking it with me, because it's all I have. I just hope it doesn't try to fight with any security personnel if they attempt to investigate it.

8:48 AM - 21 July 2003


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