lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Goodbye, D.E.

It's official. My old stomping grounds, the drugstore approximately one mile from my house, is closing. There are signs everywhere saying "CLOSEOUT CLEARANCE! SAT, SUN, MON!" so even though I had it on better authority that the store would be open for another month, my mom and I went poking around there tonight.

How do you act when your emotions are torn between sadness both for everyone who is losing their jobs and just for the whole idea that the place you spent a good two years of your life is going to be gone, and the thrill that comes with seeing twenty percent off high quality cosmetics with more price slashing to come? You act like this:

You pat backs and tut-tut sympathetically while wondering if they have any more of that awesome Revlon cream eyeshadow you love.

You nod, concerned, while trying not to smile about the three different kinds of lip gloss you have in your cart.

You try to hold back tears of joy when your old boss catches you surveying foundations that you would normally never buy.

Seriously, though, it was very sad for me. You wouldn't think a drugstore could hold so many memories for one person. We used to get excited like a bunch of dorks if we worked Friday nights, because that meant we were the "Friday Night Crew," and would be doing some serious minor-busting for booze and cigarettes. I kept so many IDs... We would embarrass these kids into the ground. If they tried pulling one off on us, we'd mess with them, asking their zodiacal sign and everything, even though we weren't going to sell to them no matter what. One time I asked a kid his birthdate, and he was like, "Uh...Uhhh...Damn." Yes, brother. Damn.

I had one kid who had made his own State ID, figuring, I guess, that most cashiers wouldn't know what one looked like. Unfortunately for him, I worked at the license office at the time, and I laughed until I almost pissed myself. I even brought it to work with me the following morning and mailed it to the Fraud Department.

We used to call each other up and ask, in very high voices, if the store carried flavored condoms. Unfortunately, I could never carry it off without laughing, so while I was fooled constantly, I never fooled anyone.

I do feel a little guilty for the place going out of business, even though I know my minor incidental theft of the occasional Frappucino and one pregnancy test (Hey! It was an emergency, and I was broke! Don't judge me!) didn't take the company under. I hope everyone who works there lands on their feet. It was fun while it lasted.

8:46 PM - 22 September 2003


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