lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Birthday Weekend

Okay, I have lost this entry twice because of my own assiness, so this time you get a list. Short, sweet, and to the point. Sorta like me.

  • Wednesday: Got The Shoes from my sister and the cute Libra t-shirt from my mom.
  • Thursday: Wore The Shoes to work.
  • Immediately regretted it.
  • Got a pink cake and naked cowboy card.
  • Went home, changed into infinitely more comfortable shoes.
  • Went with LF to pick up BT, then went to D & B's.
  • The highlights of the evening are these: Not only did I get The Sims 2, I also got Season 3 of Sex and the City. I also kicked LF's ass at the rolly-ball-horse-racing thing when he thought he was invincible. Ha! BT and I, as usual, kicked some dinosaur butt in Lost World, and during the raft rowing game, I yelled at her the following: "You are dead weight! Get off the raft!" There may or may not have been cocktails involved.
  • In her efforts to procure us fake teeth from the candy machines, BT spent upwards of $5, and all she got for it was a bunch of slime. I put all the slime together in one bag, and now I have a Birthday Slime Bag�, which I shall pass on to the next one of us (BT) to have a birthday. In two weeks, it's all hers.
  • Friday: I lay around in my jammies all day, eating Jack in the Box tacos and watching Sex and the City. Then I shaved my legs and got ready to go out with my man (who asks that I refer to him here as... Jerk-Off. Classy he is).
  • Then I went to get the mail. There was a box from Amazon, which confused me greatly. I knew Boy had gotten me something from Amazon, but I couldn't figure out why he'd decided to have it sent straight to my house. Did I open it then? Did I wait? I circled the package for quite some time before deciding to go on and open it.

    It was from April!

    And it was the Pamela Ribon book, Why Girls Are Weird. Can you believe it? Someone actually responded to my begging for gifts! I have to warn you, this will only encourage me.

  • The Boy (who was told by one of his neighbors that he looked like a white pimp [those were the neighbor's words, not mine], since he was dressed in a black suit with a red shirt, yellow bow tie, and Amish hat) and I went to dinner, where we had an asker server. "Hi? How are you doing this evening? I'm fine? Thanks?"
  • Then we went to the symphony, where Boy had our car valet parked (I was wearing The Shoes, you see...).
  • We were there early, so we heard part of the pre-performance lecture, and found out that one of the pieces featured heavily... the cowbell.
  • That's right. I've got a fevah that only cowbell can cure!
  • And also, there were giant cowbells. Taken, at great risk to the procurers, from giant cows.
  • So we laughed and laughed at that, making minor asses of ourselves everytime someone hit the cowbell.
  • We also fought, and I accused him of never listening, which shamed me when I opened his gift.
  • He turned in his valet ticket, and the guy, I shit you not here, handed Boy the keys and said, "Your car is right over there." Classy.
  • He got me V, the Original Miniseries, V, the Complete Series, and V, the Final Battle. He remembered my saying that V was my favorite miniseries ever.
  • He also got me a t-shirt at Target that my sister pointed him in the direction of.
  • How about them apples?
  • I spent the night there Friday, then we had to get up at 5:45 on Saturday so I could be home in time to go yard saling with my mom and sister. Did you know that it's still dark out at 5:45? It is.
  • Saturday night, instead of going to Bahama Breeze as originally planned (it takes an hour to get there, they wouldn't accept our call-ahead since there were more than 5 of us, and it would have been an hour and a half wait) but we went to this place called DaBaldo's, which was very good.
  • I got a flat iron from my sister, a black poncho with an old lady brooch from my mom, and some money from my aunt.
  • Afterward, I went to Lemmons with Colleen and Dina, who gave me a dozen yellow roses.
  • Yesterday was apple picking and five people packed in a car. You can imagine the stories I'll have to tell you tomorrow.
  • Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone!

    10:10 AM - 11 October 2004


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