lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Chicago: Day Two

Damn, I missed y'all. I'm serious; I missed my computer, I missed diaryland, I missed everyone here...I'm so glad to be back.

On to day two. The thing is, day two wasn't nearly as exciting as day one. We were on a bus with this crazy little kid and his dad, who were just hilarious. This kid made friends with Mr. Weird, and proceeded to announce to him, in front of the whole bus, his phone number. He then started talking very loudly about how he and his dad went on the El, and El stands for "Elevated Train." My brother-in-law noticed the band-aids on his knees and asked him what happened, and the kid confessed that he'd fallen while chasing pigeons.

Mr. Weird's face lit up and said that he, too, likes to chase pigeons. He told the W.L.K., "We have something in common!"

I caught the dad's eye and we just lost it, laughing so hard. He said, "This is my life, sixteen hours a day," and we laughed some more.

We then went to the Field Museum

and saw "Sue," the T. Rex,
among other things. We also saw some of the most beautiful gemstones I've ever seen, and even if you don't give a shit about anything else at the Field Museum, you'd probably like those, and it's worth going just for them. However, you'll want to skip the "Underground Adventure." It's craptacular, craptastic, craparrific, and craptagious. And crapulent.

After the Museum, we ate our lunch at Buckingham Fountain, which my sister repeatedly called Buckingham Palace. I did it once, too, and I blame her for it. My brother-in-law (Gepetal for those of you keeping score) took the kids to the other side of the fountain, and Miranda, Mamatoo, and I were sitting on a bench when a woman came up to us asking for money. I'm not going to tell you her whole spiel, because it doesn't matter. My sister told her we weren't giving her any money, and the woman walked away. We sat there for about two seconds when we looked at each other and Mamatoo said, "How do I know she's at a women's shelter?"

"Dad always said it didn't matter."

"Dah! I already heard his ghost yelling at me! Go take her this money!"

So she gave me five bucks and I ran over to where she was asking some other people for money. They were about to turn her down when I handed her the five and told her to have a good day, so I hope they changed their minds like we did. My dad can leave us alone now.

After that we headed to the Sears Tower,

which is, well, the Sears Tower. It was very cool, and I could tell you all about how you can see the whole fricking Midwest from up there, but it's pointless. It's not cool unless you actually do it.

We tried to go to Ed DeBevic's that night, but they totally dissed us, so we went to Carson's,

which was a crazy combination of sloppy rib house and nice family place, down the street. The guys there were super nice, the food was great, and they played Rick Astley. I ask you, can you expect more from a restaurant? No, you can't.

Day Two wasn't over yet; oh no. We then went to Navy Pier for the Wednesday night fireworks, which were very cool, and there was a tantrum thrown by a certain little boy who shall remain nameless because we got there too late for rides. I think that's it for Day Two. Wednesday was a perfect example of why I love traveling with my sister; if it had been up to me, we would have slept in till noon, maybe seen the Sears Tower, and gone to dinner at like, McDonald's. My sister is a doer, and I love her for that.

8:55 PM - 26 July 2003


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