lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


A Note Between Whitney and Me in 1st Hr Honors English

[This first sentence is peppered with the word "sarcasm" around the edges. Also, I change the color to differentiate between Whitney (purple) and me (aqua), and also because those are the colors the note was actually written in.]

I'm glad Beth is good at being inconspicuous. I'd be really upset if everyone found out.

Oh, man.

Now she's trying to put the note on the right side of her binder, where Mr. Weiss has a FULL VIEW...Thanks, Beth.

Oh, man...So do you know what you're going to do on Fri.? Got any ideas? I hope you two have fun; [Talk about grammar nerds; we actually used semicolons in our notes!] I'm sure you will.

Ugh. Don't talk about it. This is hell. I am in hell. Why didn't I foresee this before I asked him?

I'm sorry. I know how you feel. Just don't back out on him since you don't want him to back out on you. He's a sweetie. I think you'll have fun.

I'm not backing out. I may be mentally ill, but I'm not a moron. Beth offered to threaten him too. I told her to threaten him nicely, so they don't scare him off.

Oh, man. He's not going to back out on you. You could go see the "Birdcage" on Fri. (Just an idea.)

Oh, man. [Until this second I didn't realize how often we said that in high school] Hi Cesare [yeah, that was his name]. How about a couple of gay men to get the day going? Ha ha... no, actually, it's not a bad idea. My family is making me crazy. They won't shut up about this & the ACTs, and both.

"Did you get your ACT scores?"


"What are you and Cesare doing Fri.?"

"I don't know."

"What did Cesare get on the ACT?"

"I don't know!!!"

"Would you like to take a survey? Do you like beans? Do you like George Wendt? Do you like to eat beans while watching George Wendt?" [Bonus points if you know that reference]

Yes! Precisely! I just want to go hide in my room until April 13.

20 min. left. I know how you feel. Joe brought me a rose on Fri. What kind of flower are you going to get him?

Awww. Did you remember that you were supposed to pick Carla up from work before 10:30 on Fri.? You were late.

She said she'd call Lisa's when she was ready to go & I told Lisa we'd have to pick her up. I didn't know I was the one who was supposed to get her, I thought it was just one of us! Oh, gosh. I feel bad. It all worked out okay though, right?

Yah, don't tell her I said anything. I picked her up.

What is w/ Jessi & Eliot's unity?! [We had studied T. S. Eliot's "Burnt Norton"] Geez, she relates that to everything. Ugh. Sick.

Exactly. For once I wished [sic] she'd open her mouth w/o "Eliot" jumping out. I hope she didn't see me roll my eyes. Sarah W. laughed.

8 min. left. My birthday's tomorrow! I get to be sick for my birthday. (sigh.)

Ha ha! [Cause being sick on your birthday is a fucking riot?] Did you put cousin for all the 1st page? [On a quiz about William Faulkner's The Bear] I did. For the one about what happened to Boon, I put "He got his leg stuck in the back patio because one of the boards was rotten. His foot went right through!"

Hey, yeah, all cousins, what did I put for Boon...I think I put he was an alcoholic, but that might have been for a different answer. Barbie is SCARY! [We had IDs on cords around our necks, and I had put a Barbie keychain on mine]

She's coming off the ID. There's too much. I had a dream last night that it was 3 o'clock in the a.m., & you called & my mom woke me up. I said, "What are you doing calling me @ 3 a.m.?" & you're like, "I wanted you to know I was home." [What a storyteller.]

Oh. Well, oh. Ya know weebles encourage imaginations, help develop fine motor skills and most of all, they's wacky wobbly fun!

9:07 PM - 13 July 2003


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