lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


A Pee Treatise

When I was in high school I filled in my friends on the fact that if you drink the amount of water you're supposed to (that's 8 8-oz. glasses a day), your pee will be clear. They all grabbed 64-oz. gas station car mugs, filled them with water, and drank until it felt like every organ in their body was brimming over with water.

Then they spent the next 36 hours in the bathroom.

It's hard to drink as much water as you're supposed to. Since my run-in with the bladder infection, I've had a glass of water or cranberry juice (yech!) at my side every minute of the day without exception. As much as I feel like I'm drinking, it can't be too far over what the experts say I should be drinking anyway.

Was the human body engineered to empty the bladder, go about its business for 10 or so minutes, then feel like if it doesn't get to the bathroom again immediately, it will explode? Was I made to wake up three times in the night to stumble, knees together, to the bathroom? How can that be evolutionarily sound? Say ancient man is in his... hut. Or tent. Or... shanty. I don't know; whatever. Anyway, he gets up to whizz in the bushes 100 times a night, and whoops! Eaten by an owl. See? See what happens when early man gets a hold of a gas station mug? No good!

I know from past experience (I'm an on-again, off-again avid water drinker) that if I can just stick out the first week or so, my body will regulate itself and I'll be able to suck down 64 ounces with no less than 800 trips to the loo a day, but that's going to be one hard leg-crossing period of time. I just hope I don't dream I'm under a waterfall. Because that's just asking for a box of Depends.

12:00 AM - 10 April 2004


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