lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


That Girl

Oh my Lordy Lorderson.

The Cards won.

I was standing in the middle of Lane Bryant when I heard whooping up and down the mall, and I figured they had won, but I called Boy to get the scoop.

He had been sleeping, at 7:45 p.m., no less. I felt really bad, because he has to wake up early. He told me to call later, that he wouldn't fall asleep, he'd just lie there. To which I replied, "Ahahahahahaha." I've never seen anyone fall asleep faster than he does. When I spend the night at his place I elbow him in the ribs to wake him up so I can maybe fall asleep before he resumes his snoring.

Game 7 tomorrow night introduces conflict into my TV schedule. I hate watching so much TV that I actually have a schedule in which conflict can arise.

So, yeah. That hoosier girl at my work is on state assistance, which is cool, because, I mean, she is in the middle of a nasty divorce, trying to raise 4 kids, and she's got a job, and she's trying to better herself. Now she's embroiled in this big controversy where she can't take the raise involved in going from temp to perm without giving up all her state benefits. Sucks, right? I mean, duh, the welfare program sucks in almost every conceivable way, but it's still hard to watch someone deal with it, even when you already know it intellectually.

Anywho. This friend of hers from another department for some reason takes this opportunity to get on her ill-advised Republican soapbox and talk about how the "Dependency Party" created this situation, and if we vote for Claire McCaskill, then we'll be perpetuating the cycle! One coworker looked at her and said, "Uh, yeah, but that doesn't help Julie now." Another coworker, who shall remain nameless, mindlessly jumped on the anti-welfare bandwagon when I chimed in.

"I don't think you should have a government entirely uninvolved with the welfare of its people. If you think the homeless population is a problem now, it would be exponentially worse if there were no public assistance or social programs. The problem is that it's black and white. There's no gradual way to integrate people from public assistance back into private moneymaking."

At which point Malleable Coworker jumped on my bandwagon, and Republibitch disappeared. The thing is, I can grit my teeth and pretend like she has a valid point, but it's like, when this person is supposed to be your friend, and she's trying to squeak by, can you come down off the lectern for like, 5 seconds, and just sympathize? This girl turns every discussion into this huge political debate. I'll admit, I don't even like political debates in any capacity; I'm not going to change your mind, you're not going to change mine. But for real, it's like, "I went to McDonald's for lunch."

"Democrats are ruining this country!"

Yeah. She's that girl.

I'm the girl who punches her in the face.

11:18 PM - 20 October 2004


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