lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


And Jessica Simpson Can Bite My Ass, Too!

I swear to God, I'm ready to just chuck my whole damn computer out my window. Except for my sweet baby printer, which stays.

All I wanted to do was reinstall The Sims House Party. Sounds easy. NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

First of all, my computer starts flashing little signs, telling me I have no room on my hard drive. None at all. Approaching critical mass. I knew it was coming, but I wasn't exactly sure why. I mean, it is an old computer, and I do have a lot of stuff on it, but I just didn't realize it was that much. Until I started combing through my "Add/Delete Programs" list. And saw the listing that said, "AOL: Select a version." Did you know that every time some AOLoser like myself upgrades their AOL, the old version just gets stashed away, like an old boatneck sweater you might one day decide to try to fit into again, even though it was ugly when you bought it and shrunk in the dryer?

Well, it does. And AOL takes up a bunch of room. So once those were gone, it was "Sayonara critical mass" and "Hello freedom to install." Except now The Sims has me in the ninth circle of Hell, chasing my tail and pushing a stone up a hill, all at the same time.

So out the window the computer must go.

11:19 PM - 14 April 2004


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