lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Court Virgin!

Okay, I thought I had mentioned this to you guys, but Google assures me I haven't, so here goes:

If you're over the age of 18, you already know this. Peer pressure isn't how they tell you it's going to be. It isn't like the videos starring Chad Allen that they show you in school, where people ridicule you for not drinking or doing drugs, or smoking. That's because peer pressure is in your head. No one else gives a shit if you're the only person at the party not drinking, but your insecurities sneak up on you and eat at your brain until you're sitting there thinking, "I am the only person in the WORLD not drinking!" Then you grab a bottle of Peach Schnapps, pass out on your best friend's living room floor, and wake up the next morning vomiting sweet.

I felt that way for the first time in forever yesterday, and it was because of the weirdest thing ever: Court. Since my court date was postponed last time I went, I had to go yesterday, and the very first thing the judge said was, "How many of you have never been to court before?" There were maybe 35 people in the room, so chances were pretty good I wasn't the only one. Except I was! I was the only person who raised her hand!

Instead of retreating into my judgmental Catholic upbringing, drawing myself up, clutching my pearls and thinking, "Well I never! A room full of recidivists!" I thought, "Oh my God! I'm the court nerd! I'm the only court virgin!" How humiliating. I mean, no one else was laughing at me, no one else even gave a shit, but I was seized with a sudden urge to find the nearest liquor store and prove my coolness.

(In case you were wondering, I didn't get drunk, and everything went fine.)

11:41 AM - 10 June 2004


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