lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


And Then Lightning Struck Me

So, yeah.

I don't want to disrespect the dead or anything, but.

Ronald Reagan was a terrible president.

There. I said it. I feel so much better now.

I'm not saying he wasn't a genial enough guy. I mean, he was a Hollywood actor, after all; a certain amount of charisma is required (unless you're Renee Zellwegger).

And, after all, he was reelected, so I can't even say that people didn't like him, or at least 51% of the people. But this country suffered greatly under him. During his and Bush the First's twelve-year Reign of Poverty, the middle class, the very key element of democracy without which we would not have a country, was brought to its knees. Arms were sold to the Al-Qaeda, for crying out loud! Does anyone else remember Ollie North? Iran Contra?

My mom doesn't work on Friday because Missouri state employees get the day off for "mourning." What? What? He wasn't even from here! I asked my mom if she got the day off when Nixon died, and she thought for a moment. "I... don't think so."

"Why not?"

"I don't think he was as highly regarded."

And then my head exploded.

Not that I'm a huge Nixon fan. 'Cause I mean, really, how could I be? But if I had to rank U.S. Presidents in order of "greatness," I'm guessing Nixon and Reagan wouldn't be separated by much more than a pair of Grover Clevelands.

Yes, I feel bad for the Reagan family. Yes, I understand that Alzheimer's is a difficult and vicious disease. And yes, even, though I never thought I'd say it, I love Nancy Reagan. I love her for sticking it to Dubya over stem-cell research. But just because someone is dead doesn't mean we have to pretend that he was a great president.

10:39 AM - 08 June 2004


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