lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


See Ya Next Year! Har Har Har! (No, Not Really, I'll Update Before Then)

The fact of the matter is that I haven't yet actually been hired by my place of work. I'm still a temp, and while I hope to be hired soon after the first of the year, they aren't making any guarantees, and I'm not holding my breath.

That said, you'd think I'd lay off the dirty jokes, or at least stay away from the "bad kids." I can't help it, though; they're all around me.

Yesterday, our last day of work before Christmas, the landscape architecture department (the department on the other side of our half wall) had their "Christmas Food Day." (One of my favorite things about this place is that very few people beat around the bush about that shit. No, it's not a "Christmas Party." No "partying" will be done. Bring some damn food and call it what it is.) Someone, I guess, brought in some of those long, hard cold-ass pretzels that guys sell on street corners (like, who brings that in? Among the other food brought were things like trifle and li'l smokies, and this character brings $1 pretzels). Gina looked over the wall and saw John eating one, and she started laughing.

"What is that?" she asked. "It looks like a reindeer leg!"

For some reason that struck me as both insanely gross and completely hilarious, and my laughter was contagious. Of course, we had the giggles anyway, it being the last day of school work before Christmas vacation, so you don't have to find it as funny as I did.

But the next thing I know, John is standing at the entrance to our department with his pants unzipped and the pretzel hanging out of the hole.

I do not remember the last time I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt, but I was afraid I was going to vomit. It just got worse when he kept saying "What? It's a reindeer leg! What?"

Well, we didn't know that the principal owner of the joint was in the conference room right across from our departments.

He didn't say anything, but he yelled at our teacher boss for not being able to keep us under control.

Happy Christmas vacation, everyone!

5:45 AM - 24 December 2004


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