lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary



Seriously, if I do not find a job I'm going to jump off a bridge.

I just keep submitting resumes. I realize that in a perfect world, this is not the way to get a job, and normally people find jobs through people they know, but apparently NO ONE I KNOW IS HIRING OR KNOWS OF ANYONE WHO IS. So I mean, I'm kind of reduced to looking online. And applying for every damn job I find is time-consuming, to say the least. It's like, if you create a database and merge-mail all the potential employers, they smell it, so you really do have to manually change the names in the address line and reformat the cover letter to fit the job. Not that it matters anyway, because most of these places only put ads in the paper because it's required to be an equal opportunity employer. So, super. I have no chances.

In addition to just generally needing and wanting money, I must move out of this house. I gave myself from April to October to get out, and that window opens in, like, three weeks. I'm not lounging around until October then being like, "Oh, I think I'll start looking for a place." Because if I do, y'all will be reading about a heinous murder/homicide. Because I will well and truly kill my mother if I have to.

She had this idea that my headaches might be alleviated by getting up at a more Godly hour of the day than 1:30 p.m. and getting out of the house, which, in addition to more traditional Western medication, has proven very helpful. Today I got up at nine, and ran some errands with DS (who has just now deigned to renew his license tags, even though they were due a year ago. But I digress). Then we went and saw Starsky and Hutch. When I got home, my mom had called. I told her what we had done, and her response?

"Did you clean the house? It's a mess."

"Well, no. Did you hear what I just told you? I didn't have time to clean the house." As if I would forget to mention, "And then I scrubbed the house inside-out, top-to-bottom." And I mean, yeah, it did need to be cleaned up, but I was already doing one thing she had told me to do, and it's not like there were dishes rotting in the sink with various and sundry wildlife making their homes in the cereal bowls. Jesus.

I really need a job.

9:20 PM - 08 March 2004


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