lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary



I live maybe a mile away from Grant's Farm, and one of the ways I can get home from work is to take this cool windy road actually through the farm. I usually go the other way, since the road through the farm is 30 mph and cops like to lurk in the trees.

On nights when the moon is bright, and the weather is coolish, though, I can't resist. I don't care if it's 45 degrees, I roll my window down and I take the scenic route. I drive alongside the fields where the Clydesdales graze. I breathe in, and smell the fecund air, redolent with, yeah, horeshit. But in the moonlight, the fields look magical, and it's easy to forget that during the day they're populated not only by the beautiful horses but also ducks that quack angrily at me as I drive past.

During the day little kids ride their bikes down the trail on the opposite side of the field, followed by their parents, not so sure-footed on rollerblades, hollering for the kids to slow down. At night, all is peaceful, with the silver moonlight tucked over the land like a cool soft blanket, and the crickets chirping that spring is coming.

It's nights like tonight that make me understand why ancient civilizations worshipped the moon.

10:48 PM - 06 March 2004


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