lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Aside From That, Mr. Lincoln, How Did You Enjoy the Play?

Maybe the weirdest part of the whole incident is that I'm not upset because he didn't hit on me. But the fact is that my crush, Dan, came on to my friend Colleen as artlessly as a person can.

It was brewing all night, and I knew it was coming, but I didn't really care. I don't know why. I just know that mostly I was mortified for both Dan and Colleen when it finally happened. For Dan because God, what an asshole. When a girl tells you to go away, you've gone one step too far. Don't go right back and try again. That's not a bike there.

For Colleen, obviously, because she was miserable. We were just trying to pay our tab and get out of there, but the bartender John was teasing the fuck out of me, refusing to give me the tab, until finally I was like, "If you don't give it to me I'm walking out." A little bird had changed the tab to way less than what we owed, so I paid it, and Colleen was getting ready to leave the tip, when Dan actually admonished her for not giving enough. Nothing a woman loves more than being told she's cheap, especially when she's not. Christ.

Other than that, though, the night was fun.

1:11 AM - 19 June 2004


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