lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Sad Sad Sad

So, peanut butter sprinkled with chocolate chips and a caffeine-free Diet Coke is a totally acceptable headache remedy, right? Okay, good.

In other news, I watched the two most recent episodes of Sex and the City today, thanks to DS. Unfortunately, the last one is missing like the last 5 minutes, and even though I know what happens, I must see it. He's gonna try to tape that last part later this week.

I didn't realize until I saw these episodes how much I am truly going to miss the show. I haven't had HBO for a while, but there's a difference between not having all the seasons on DVD and knowing that there will not be anymore DVDs made. This was the one show I made time for. Any other show, I could catch on reruns, or miss; it didn't matter to me. But Sunday night at 8 p.m. was reserved for Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte. When I worked at the drugstore and we had Movie Night on Sundays, I put my foot down for 9 o'clock shows. If anyone ever called during SATC, I picked up the phone and hissed, "I will call you back at eight-thirty," and hung up before they could protest.

I'll admit, I can bitch about the show with the best of 'em. Bad hair, worse clothes, Carrie's terrible writing...there really is no end to the things that can be picked apart, but only by a true fan. As a big sister with a bully, I will beat the living shit out of anyone else who harshes on my girls. They may be right, but they best shut up before they find that right kicked firmly up their ass.

So don't call me Sunday night between 7 and 9, or whenever this madness ends. I will actually be working, but I will be thinking of my girls and bidding them a fond "Adieu."


3:41 PM - 18 February 2004


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