lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


Damn, That's Skunky

If you don't live, or never have lived, in St. Louis, or Milwaukee, or I don't know, Latrobe, or some place like that, then you probably don't know what a brewery smells like.

Hint number one: It doesn't smell like beer. I love the smell of beer, but every time I've ever driven or ridden past A-B, I've wrinkled up my nose, because it's gross. It's the smell of hops and yeast and all sorts of other crap fermenting, and the waste products of the mixture being belched into the air.

Right now, sixty dollars of the money I made tonight smells like beer, even though I rinsed it in water and patted it dry with napkins.

I, though, smell like a brewery. I thought there was something stanky underneath the crap on my desk, but no; it's me. My actual self smells like a brewery. I assume it's because I got a lot of beer on myself tonight, and it's now fermenting even more than the folks at A-B would care to know about. I'm smelly and gross and yet, I can do nothing about it, because while we technically have a shower now, there is neither a shower curtain nor a rod to hang one on, nor a light to shower by.

So I shall go to bed with a cold, and stinking like the brewing process.

11:13 PM - 22 March 2004


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