lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


I'm So Tired

Even more demoralizing than having to get online every single Monday and sift through the latest job listings, printing out every listing that may in some way, shape, form, or fashion match my skills, abilities, experience, and/or desires, emailing the ones that will accept it, mailing the ones who won't, and faxing the ones who require it, sitting, waiting, getting form emails and the occasional postcard that say little more than "Thanks for applying!" is this:

Interviewing for a job you know you're not reeeeally qualified for. Knowing you can easily bring yourself up to speed with everything and anything the company requires, and trying to hide the fact that before this week, you didn't exactly know what Excel was. Knowing you probably wouldn't get the job, but allowing yourself a little tiny window of a dream, a place to tuck into as you drifted off to sleep, thinking of doctor's visits and cubicles and the possibility of moving away, and marveling that you never really thought of any of those things as a luxury worth even thinking about (especially the cubicle).

Realizing that it's Wednesday.

Knowing that the interview happened five days ago, and that's never good.

Facing the fact that you are now officially two to three days behind every other job-hungry employment-hound in St. Louis in this week's mad rush for the few positions listed online, which are probably null and void anyhow, since so many employers only list there so they can be considered an equal opportunity employer, even though they've already hired their boss's niece.

Wondering if you will ever find a job.

4:13 AM - 17 March 2004


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