lobsterchick's Diaryland Diary


The Fruited Plains (Hee!)

Well, I voted. Hurrah for me! And hurrah for Kerry! I'm sorry I had that Dean button on my diary so long, Mr. Kerry. The thing is, I'm really fickle about the Dems, and my whole reason for voting for Kerry is that I want him to bust out of the pack and take the country by storm like Clinton did 12 years ago. (Oh my GOD! TWELVE YEARS AGO? Olllld Maaaaan Looooooooooobster!) I really want him to come along and trounce an incumbent Bush, just like Clinton did.

I remember four years ago, when there were rumors floating around that Clinton was going to try to challenge the term limit thing and run again. Mamatoo was disgusted, and said she couldn't believe anyone would vote for him again. I was like, "Dude, I would love to be able to vote for him again. Once was not enough for me." And thus began the eye-roll heard around the world.

You guys, I still have my "I Voted" sticker from the first time I ever voted (Presidential election, 1996). There must be nothing on earth I love more than voting. I get all misty when I do it, too, thinking about how I'm part of a system that goes back almost 230 years... Don't worry. I'll save my singing of "America the Beautiful" for when I'm alone.

9:12 AM - 03 February 2004


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